Future Medicine AI Vol. 1 No. 1 | Special Report

A clinician’s guide to large language models


Our partner journal Future Medicine AI has recently published a special report, which explores the potential for healthcare professionals to harness the power of large language models to transform healthcare and deliver better outcomes for patients around the globe.


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to the emergence of large language models (LLMs) as powerful tools for various applications, including healthcare. These large-scale machine learning models, such as GPT and LLaMA have demonstrated potential for improving patient outcomes and transforming medical practice. However, healthcare professionals without a background in data science may find it challenging to understand and utilize these models effectively. This paper aims to provide an accessible introduction to LLMs for healthcare professionals, discussing their core concepts, relevant applications in healthcare, ethical considerations, challenges, and future directions. With an overview of LLMs, we foster a more collaborative future between healthcare professionals and data scientists, ultimately driving better patient care and medical advancements.

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